Sunday Morning Live / via Zoom
Bible Warfare
Instructor: Bro Joe Rutherford
Time: 9:00am
Started: October 17, 2021
Status: Active
NOTE: Bro Rutherford will instruct on the 2nd and 4th (5th if necessary) of every month until this class is complete; This class is be taught on every Sunday morning should it continue until January 2022.
Please join Bro Rutherford as he explains the importance of Spiritual Warfare in the life of the Christian. Remember, ZOOM ID and Passcode are the Home page of our sight.
Bible Warfare
Instructor: Bro Joe Rutherford
Time: 9:00am
Started: October 17, 2021
Status: Active
NOTE: Bro Rutherford will instruct on the 2nd and 4th (5th if necessary) of every month until this class is complete; This class is be taught on every Sunday morning should it continue until January 2022.
Please join Bro Rutherford as he explains the importance of Spiritual Warfare in the life of the Christian. Remember, ZOOM ID and Passcode are the Home page of our sight.
Wednesday Evening via Zoom
Study of 1st & 2nd Thessalonians
Instructor: Bro Aaron Anderson
Time: 7:00pm
Start:: October 6, 2021
Status: Active
Please join Bro Anderson as he reveals Paul's instruction to Thessalonica.
Sunday Morning Live / via Zoom
Spiritual Growth and Maturity
Instructor Bro Bernard Martin (Visiting via San Pablo COC, Oakland)
Time: 9:00am
Started: September 19, 2021
Status: Active
NOTE: Bro Martin will instruct on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month until this class is complete. It is predicted this class will last until December.
So please come and join Bro Bernard Martin of the San Pablo Church of Christ as he instructs us on the values of Spiritual Growth and Maturity. Remeber; that's the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month until this class is complete.
Thursday Evenings via Zoom
Biblical Pattern for Unlimited Spiritual Growth
Instructor: Bro Chris Brinkley
Time: 7:00pm
Started: September 2, 2021
Status: Active
Zoom ID = 869 5862 0088
Passcode: AD33
Phone = 1 (669) 900 91228
To grow spiritually and mature together; To use and share our gifts and abilities together, To be a part of doing God’s work together, To have a biblical, organized way to strengthen Westside together. So join Bro Brinkley as he brings us Biblical Patterns for Unlimited Spiritual Growth.